티스토리 뷰
학교에서 '오픈소스소프트웨어개발'이라는 강의를 수강하고 있는데, 요건 팀프로젝트가 필수..(아악!)
뭐 사실 '팀플'이라는게 문제가 아니라, 프로젝트의 난이도가 극상..
"글로벌 혹은 국내 오픈소스 프로젝트에 기여를 하고, 오픈소스 커뮤니티에서 활동하라!"
지난 포스팅에도 올렸지만 우리는 GNOME Project를 목표로 잡았는데, GNOME Multi-writter의 번역도 했지만, GNOME Calculator의 버그 리포팅도 진행했고, 상대적으로 문서화가 부족한 오픈소스 프로젝트의 빌드 과정을 문서로 자세히 다루기로 했다.
버그 리포팅 관련한건 나중에 시간이 되면 올리기로 하고..
사실 이 포스팅도 홍보 기여라는 측면으로 보고서에 올릴꺼라..ㅎㅎㅎㅎ...
일단 영문으로 번역한 빌드 프로세스에 대한 정리 글이다.
GNOME Calculator Build Process
0. Installation environment
OS & Status : Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, New installation and no settings
Meson build System : Version 0.42 or later
Written Time : 17.11.2018
Written by Hongchan Yun, Seungyeon Kang, Junhwa Park
1. Use the ‘apt’ command to install the following packages in order
- Since dependency problems can occur, the following steps must be installed in order.
- Use it with ‘sudo’ command to run as root authority
" gcc / make / valac / python / git / meson / gtk+-3.0 / libxml2-utils "
[ e.g. Valac (one of the packages above) installed ]
2 - 1. download following compressed file(tar.gz/tar.xz) using “wget”
- repeat downloading 4 compressed files for all the process (2-1 to 2-6)
“ gtksourceview-4.0.3 / gmp-6.1.2 / mpfr-4.0.1 / mpc-1.1.0 ”
Each command (download url) for downloading the above compressed file is as follows.
wget https://download.gnome.org/sources/gtksourceview/4.0/gtksourceview-4.0.3.tar.xz
wget https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz
wget https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/mpfr-4.0.1.tar.gz
wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpc/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz
[ e.g. gtksourceview-4.0.3(one of the packages above) installed ]
2 - 2. Unzip downloaded compressed files and move to the directory where the files are. Then run the application by “./configure”
2 - 3. Run the ‘make’ command
- Depending on the size of the package, it may take 3-5 minutes longer.
2 - 4. Run the ‘make check’ command to make sure it was successfully ‘made’
- Depending on the size of the package, it may take 3-5 minutes longer.
[ “make” has finished successfully ]
2 - 5. Run the ‘sudo make install’ command
- root authentication is needed, run by adding “sudo” is necessary
2 - 6. Run the ‘sudo make install check’ command to make sure it was successfully ‘installed’
[ Install’s finished successfully ]
3 - 1. Download the ‘.deb file’ directly from the url
- Download the ‘.deb file’ directly for the following four packages.
“ libgtksourceview-4-common / libgtksourceview-4-0
gir1.2-gtksource-4 / libgtksourceview-4-dev ”
The url for downloading the package is as follows.
The 2nd - 4th packages require different .deb files that match to the user’s CPU.
[ the list of .deb files for libgtksourceview-4-0 ]
- It goes differently by the architecture -
Download that matches to your CPU. Amd64 for Intel-based 64-bit cpu, i386 for Intel-based 32-bit cpu, appc64el for 64-bit Little Endian Motorola/IBM Power and S/30 for 64-bit IBM. Arm64, armhf are the right ones for the ARM processors.
3 - 2. Run the ‘sudo dpkg -i [ file name ]’ command to install
- .You can proceed by double clicking the deb file. By installing with the command line option enables you to know when errors happen.
[ libgtksourceview-4-dev .deb installed in amd64 architecture]
[List of packages installed by following steps 2 and 3]
4. Use the ‘apt’ command to install the following packages in order
- Install two additional packages to solve the dependency problem.
" itstool / libgtksourceview-3.0 "
5. Clone GNOME Calculator and download it to your local repository.
-Proceed copying the files to your account and then clone the copied files back to your personal archive, instead of downloading directly.
6. Execute the following command to build GNOME Calculator
- meson --prefix=/usr build
- ninja -C build
- sudo ninja -C build install
[ Building after checking several dependencies and libraries ]
7. Confirm that the GNOME Calculator is installed as follows.
[ Newly installed GNOME Calculator on the left ]
한글 (원본) 버전은 지난 포스팅에 있는 글을 참조하면 좋을 것 같다. 귀찮아...
팀원인 윤읍읍씨가 올린 이슈이며, 비교적 긍정적인 피드백을 받았다.
이제 막바지까지 왔다. 좋은 결과로 끝났으면 좋겠는데..
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